Poetry, prayer and photography for pilgrims on the journey
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Living on the edge of the Quantock Hills in Somerset – close to a sacred spring and an ancient monastic site – when not working in healthcare, I spend most of my time writing, walking and contemplating. Having been a church leader, missional worker and pastor/teacher, prayer and poetry have become central to my spiritual practices, through the ups and downs of life.

Jon Thurlow
Jon is an author with a passion for poetry, prayer and the natural world. He is keen to explore faith in an accessible way, equipping fellow pilgrims for the journey they are on.

Pilgrim Prayer for the Journey Home is Jon’s first book, now on Amazon in all formats.

How can I help?
I am here to assist you with any questions or if you’d like a conversation on the journey
Get in touch
What led you to writing and photography?
I’ve spent nearly 30 years working in healthcare and alongside that have been involved in Christian faith communities in leadership and teaching. I realised over the years that the things that sustained my faith and helped me on my journey were documenting life through poetry and writing as well as mindfully capturing images of the world around me through photography.
How has healthcare shaped you for the things you are currently involved in?
I have worked with people living with long term pain conditions over many years. I began to understand the suffering that we all experience and how, whether people of faith or not, life is tough, uncertain and often confusing. My goal has been to support people on that journey and help walk alongside through words, images or conversations.
Sometimes people find poetry challenging to connect with. What has been your experience?
Finding a copy of Seamus Heaney poems, one wet lunch time in Comprehensive School, turned out to be a life changing moment. I began to see that words have power. Just a few lines can express our deepest emotions or capture a memory.
Where are the places that help you connection with God?
Nature is the place that I often feel closest to God. Sometimes it’s just in simple bird song or the beauty of a flower. It reminds me of my place in the world and that there is a divine presence close at hand. I also enjoy those traditional sacred spaces – an empty church, a bench in a church yard, an ancient monastic or spiritual site. These are all thin places – as are those deep conversations with trusted friends.
What do you hope to achieve through your writing and this website?
I’d love to see a community of people journeying together and stumbling along the path, fueled by creativity and prayer.
If you’d like to talk further or ask any questions feel free to connect.
Here to help all pilgrims on the journey.